Hello, my beautiful people! Spring is here, and I am feeling the renewal energy all around me. The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and I am reminded of the importance of taking care of ourselves, both inside and out. As we enter this new season, I want to share with you some signs that you might need to add a bit more self-care to your life.
Overall, a nightly routine can help you feel more balanced, rested, and in control of your life. A small investment of time can benefit your overall health and well-being. Here are some suggestions to help you get the rest your body deserves.
Have you paused throughout your busy day, and thoughts about how you want to combat stress lightly jog through your mind? Not only does stress affect us personally, it can turn from ripples to hard-hitting waves, and it can also affect those around us.
There's nothing quite like starting the day with the song of Folger's coffee running in your mind and running to a fresh cup of coffee and a few minutes of peace and quiet.